Concrete Level

Weight Test of the Concrete, Weight and Dry

Weight of Fresh Concrete: –

The weight of fresh concrete is depended on mix design. Concrete content cement, sand, fine and coarse aggregates, Water, admixtures etc. Total weight of these mixtures is the total weight of concrete. To calculate weight in certain volume, density must be known. Fresh Concrete density varies between 2400 Kg/CUM to 2550 Kg/CUM.

Weight of Dry Concrete: –

The difference in weight between wet runny concrete just mixed and the concrete in a solid state? Count with ~5% weight reduction once water evaporates. There is the concrete shrinkage aspect to consider. At first it is plastic and soft. Later it sets and hardens. After concrete had fully cured it keeps around ~95% of its original weight compared to the wet state.

Significance: –

Knowing the concrete density is very important. If change in density is more then concrete may be not of desired strength. If density varies more then must check the quality of concrete. Much difference in density indicates faults in mix design or fault in the time of site mixing.

Apparatus: –

Weight scale: – To calculate quantity up to 5000kg

1CUM Pot:- To pour concrete

Procedure: –

  1. Take a desired mix design and mix concrete according to it.
  2. Pour This concrete in Measurement pot
  3. Weight the fresh concrete. This is weight volume
  4. Weight for 24 Hours then calculate weight again. this is dry volume

calculations: –

Weight Weight of Concrete V1=

Dry weight of the Concrete V2=

Retain weight in percent= V2/V1 x 100

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