Need of Safety in Construction Industry – ConstroPedia

Reason of Accidents

An Accident leads to big damage to the construction site. It may cause loss of life, partial or permanent disability, loss of time in work, loss of money, and psychological harassment as well. These many damages can be easily controlled by some safety majors, and it doesn’t cost more.

Some types of accidents are-

  • Falling from height
  • Slips, trips, or fall
  • Struck in moving object or machines
  • Injured while handling or lifting material
  • Falling of loose material from the height
  • Others

The vast majority of accidents occur to experienced tradesmen and building workers engaged in simple traditional activities. Part of the problem arises from the nature of the work, but attitudes towards safety should compensate for this. A site worker has greater autonomy in carrying out work than, say, a factory worker, and therefore there must be a corresponding degree of responsibility for his or her own safety and the safety of others. However, the trends in accident performance give some encouragement in the absolute numbers involved.

Preventions of Accidents

A construction site can easily prevent accidents or the death of the workers. Some basic preparation and preventive measures need to be taken on the site to control the accidents at the site.

Some preventive measures-

  • Integrate safety as a part of life– Workers need to be trained well for safety. Then don’t really care about how much does an accident cost to them. A safety meeting every week may help them to realize the value of safety.
  • Training of Worker–  All the workers should be properly trained. Proper training will help to make a construction site accident free.
  • Safety Management– A Site supervisor should be there. He can plan and execute the safety measures at the site. It helps to plan and keep records of accidents.
  • PPE– All personal protective equipment should be available on site. A helmet can save the head, A safety belt can save a worker from falling, A highlighter jacket can help them o avoid a mishap. So PPE kits are very important.
  • Insurances– Insurance is the thing that will help post-accident. generally, accidents cause huge amounts of loss for employers and employees as well. Insurance will assure money safety.

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