Bend Test Of Rebar

Objective and Significance: –

This test method is used for evaluating ductility. Unless otherwise specified it shall be permissible to age bend test specimen. The time-temperature cycle employed must be such that the effects of previous processing will not be materially changed. It may be accomplished by aging at room temperature 24 to 48h or in shorter time at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in water, heating in oil or in an oven.

Aim: –

Aim of this test is to determine bending capacity of the reinforcing Bar.

Apparatus: –

Bar Bending Machine: – This Machine is used to bend the bar.

Procedure: –

The bend test shall be made on specimens of sufficient length to ensure free bending and with apparatus which provides:
a) Continuous and uniform application for force throughout the duration of the bending operation.
b) Unrestricted movement of the specimen at points of contact with the apparatus and bending around a pin free to rotate.
c) Close wrapping of the specimen around the pin during the bending operation. Rebar sample should be bent at 180 degree as per procedure.

Result: –

If the bending around the pin could be done without cracking on the outside of the bent portion the result is ‘satisfactory’. If cracking was found on the outside of the bent portion, it would be considered that the rod did not meet the bending requirements and the result is ‘unsatisfactory’.

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