What is reinforcement or Rebar?

Reinforcement is the process of strengthening or reinforcing some material. In construction sector Reinforcement is generally referred to Material used in concrete to give it higher tensile strength. Reinforcement Material Can be Wood or Steel. Steel is the most common Material used to reinforce concrete. 

Steel as Reinforcement-

Concrete is strong under compression, but has weak tensile strength. Rebar (Reinforced Bar) significantly increases the tensile strength of the structure. Rebar’s surface is often “deformed” with ribs, lugs or indentations to promote a better bond with the concrete and reduce the risk of slippage.

The most common type of rebar is carbon steel, typically consisting of hot-rolled round bars with deformation patterns. Other readily available types include stainless steel, and composite bars made of glass fiber, carbon fiber, or basalt fiber. The steel reinforcing bars may also be coated in an epoxy resin designed to resist the effects of corrosion, especially when used in saltwater environments.


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