V funnel Test for Self compacting Concrete

Self Compacting Concrete: –

It is special type of concrete, It has excellent deformity it it can be moulded without any vibration. its cohesive nature makes it resistive to bleeding and segregation at the time of handling.

V funnel Test:-

This test was developed in Japan. The equipment consists of a V-shaped funnel. The V-funnel test is used to measure the filling ability of self-compacting concrete and can also be used to judge segregation resistance.  V Funnel apparatus is used to evaluate the flow time of freshly mixed self-compacting concrete. The test is not suitable when the maximum size of the aggregate exceeds 22.4 mm. The test set consists of a stainless steel funnel placed vertically on a supporting stand. The discharge orifice is equipped with a lid, which can be momentarily opened. Basically this test is useful for Flow capacity of self compacting concrete.

Apparatus: –

V funnel: – It is main apparatus.

Bucket: – To store discharged concrete

Trowel: -For leveling

Scoop: – For filling Concrete

Stopwatch: – To record Time

Procedure: –

  • Take 12 liter of Self compacting concrete.
  • Set V funnel on leveled and firm ground.
  • Feel Funnel with concrete. Open the funnel within 10 seconds of filling.
  • Start stopwatch after opening the funnel and record time of emptying.
  • This all should be done in 5 min.

Procedure to Flow time at T5 Minutes: –

  • Do not clean the funnel from inside, Close the trapdoor and pour concrete again in the funnel. Do not compact or vibrate it.
  • Wait for 5 minutes, then open the trapdoor.
  • Record time of emptying funnel from opening the trapdoor.
  • This is the time when light is seen from the top of V funnel(T5)

Result: –

For SCC a flow time of 10 seconds is considered appropriate.

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